Other defense options

Disciplinary action

The public prosecutor is responsible for disciplinary offences. A disciplinary offense is a culpable violation of the duties of a public prosecutor, culpable behavior or actions of a public prosecutor, which threatens trust in the activities of the public prosecutor's office or in the expertise of its procedure, or reduces the seriousness and dignity of the public prosecutor's office.

Similarly, a judge, the president of the court, the deputy president of the court, the president of the collegium of the Supreme Court or the Supreme Administrative Court are disciplinary liable for disciplinary offences. A disciplinary offense by a judge is a culpable violation of a judge's duties, as well as culpable behavior or actions by which a judge violates the dignity of the judicial function or threatens confidence in the independent, impartial, professional and fair decision-making of courts.

The disciplinary court acts and decides in the proceedings. The disciplinary court is the Supreme Administrative Court. Only selected persons are entitled to submit a motion to initiate proceedings. However, this does not prevent another person from initiating such a proposal.